Friday, June 22, 2012

Some interesting posts

Jewish division:  Why Our Sons Should Learn to Bake Challah.  Personally, I can barely boil water, much less bake anything, but our son lit Shabbat candles every Friday evening and Yom Tov candles every Yom Tov eve.  I've always believed that egalitarianism works in both directions.

Secular division:  What E-Publishing Means to a Country Boy  (Hat-tip:  Meryl Yourish)  I grew up in, and have always lived in, a home filled with books, and in places where books were readily available.  It never occurred to me how lucky I am.


Blogger Miami Al said...

Shrug, Challah is pretty easy to make. When I got frustrated with our mediocre local challah options, I turned to my wife and said "if every housewife in europe was able to make bread 200 years ago, we have to be able to do it with our modern kitchen." So it takes about 10 minutes to do the prep work (in 2 5-minute increments), I normally do it, but if I'm not available, my wife does it. It's pretty easy, and ours is tastier and healthier than anything out there.

But this is the problem with "egalitarian" Judaism, it's NOT egalitarian, it's women doing men's mitzvot and men staying hope to watch television.

Anyone can learn to cook decently, follow a recipe, and bake basic breads. With a bread machine, an inexpensive gadget, you put the ingredients in and hit go. On dough mode, you then take it out, braid it, then you can throw it in the oven.

People are scared to do things for themselves, but we are not helpless, it's being willingly helpless, regardless of gender.

Fri Jun 22, 04:06:00 PM 2012  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

Guilty as charged. I just hate to cook.

" . . . this is the problem with "egalitarian" Judaism, it's NOT egalitarian, it's women doing men's mitzvot and men staying hope [home] to watch television."

There may be some truth to that. I've been in egalitarian minyanim in which most of the service was led and/or read by women, with requests to the men to step up to the plate and shoulder their share of the honors in the future.

Call me naive, if you wish, but I honestly don't understand why it is that, so often, the more women become involved, the less men want to be involved, and the less prestige accrues to the same role. This also applies to the work world--I've read that the job of typist was originally a prestigious profession for men only. The minute it was opened to women . . . Folks, I type for a living, and I know from personal experience that there's not much money or glory to be had in such a job. There's a huge difference, in both pay and prestige, between being an Assistant to the President and an Administrative Assistant to the President. The President's Assistant is mentioned in my employer's publications. The President's Administrative Assistant is not.

Sun Jun 24, 12:02:00 PM 2012  

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